Thursday, June 2, 2016



Granules mean a small compact particle of a substance.  
Granules of plastic are poured into molds and melted to make a range of objects. The melted plastic becomes a solid shape when it cools.
Pieces of granules are soft and hard but soft ones go straight through your fingers and hard ones crumble through your skin.
of Sharp-edged Granular

I really enjoyed make this vocabulary because I took my time and because it was fun making and learning about this vocabulary.

I am proud of my work because It looks good and because I have a lot of writing to show what granules mean.

Next time I could use the word in my writing. 


I have been learning how to blend with my art. Not any kind of  blending a pastel blend. There if a trick, If you smudge it with your finger you can see it so you blend it with putting different colours together.

I am proud of my art because I have worked hard on it and done my best. Also It looks 3-d (real looking), bright and colourful.

I really enjoyed making this piece of art because I took my time and because It was really fun choosing all the colours and drawing everything so it looked like it went in the distance.

Next time I could Practice blending because I would do it with my finger to smudge it but your could see your finger print so I tried It and it looked way better.